Quick Click Latch Conversion
Quick Click Latch Conversion
If you return your older Xootr scooter to us, we can rebuild it with the QuickClick latch system. We are able to re-use your wheels, fork, handle assembly, brakes, and fender (if so equipped). We replace the steer support, frame, and deck. We can rebuild any scooter to use any of the current decks we offer. You need to ship your scooter to us, but return shipping from us to you in the continental U.S. Is free.
Once you order the service, ship your scooter to our facility (address below). If you prefer, we can send you a return label and add the amount of the shipping (manually) to your service as our commercial shipping rates are cheaper than normal retail shipping rates. The service will be completed within 3 business days and shipped back to you. Make sure to include your order receipt with your shipment. All prices include parts. Return shipping costs are calculated when you check out.
Shipping Address:
Attn. Service
1 Maxson Drive
Suite 4
Old Forge, PA 18518